
Solar Panels in Trenton, New Jersey

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Are You Eligible for Zero-Down Solar Panels?

There are a few programs that completely cover the cost of installing solar panels in New Jersey. Financing options also exist that completely replace your utility bill with a lower monthly payment.

About NJ Solar Initiative

New Jersey Solar Initiative is an independent organization focused on providing low-cost clean energy to the Garden State. There are a few different programs that offer solar incentives to residents of New Jersey. The most common one being a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a utility or electric company. With a PPA, the company agrees to install solar panels on your roof and sell you the electricity that they produce at a fixed rate for a set period of time. This can be a great option if you don’t want to or can’t afford the cost of buying the solar panels outright and paying for the entire installation.

Additional Benefits

Besides the free solar panel installation programs, there are also other financial benefits available for homeowners in New Jersey who choose solar energy like a Property Tax Exemption. All homeowners who install solar energy systems can receive a property tax exemption for the value of the system!

Homeowners who install solar energy systems can also claim a Federal Tax Credit of 26% of the cost of the system. Plus, you have the ability to sell Solar Renewable Energy Credits or SRECs that you generate by providing excess electricity back to the power grid. SRECs help to continuously offset your cost of electric on a regular basis.

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) offers a free solar panel installation program for residents of the state. The program is called NJ SUN, and it’s open to both homeowners and business owners. To be eligible for NJ SUN, your home or business must meet certain eligibility requirements.

We don't sell solar. What we do is answer your questions in a no pressure environment, walk you through the details around solar incentives, and help you take the next steps to get a quote, if you're ready. There is absolutely zero risk if you want an honest perspective on solar for your home.

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